provador virtual

Virtual fitting roomAn AI-driven

17 de October de 2021 MTM 0

Views: 290 – Imaging system allows users to try on virtual outfits in real time Courtesy Tokyo University: A team of researchers at Tokyo University, have […]

gafas de IA

AI glasses to estimate pig weight

12 de August de 2021 MTM 0

Views: 82 – A screen with data collected by the glasses is seen in this image. Credits: University of Miyazaki. Minapim by Hernan Valenzuela: The engineering […]

3D fiber for artificial muscle

26 de February de 2021 MTM 0

Views: 16 – Development of cell-based 3D fiber structure for artificial muscle regeneration Minapim by Hernan Valenzuela: The research team of Professor Seong-Jun Park, from the […]


Printable and Sustainable 3D Super Magnets

4 de February de 2020 MTM 0

Views: 12 – Magnetic materials are an important part of electrical products. They are generally manufactured using conventional production processes using rare earths. Several research teams […]


Faster high-precision 3D printer

29 de January de 2020 MTM 0

Views: 19 – KIT scientists develop new 3D printing system for submetric structures with record speed accuracy Courtesy KIT:   3D printers that print in millimeters or […]