Facial Recognition Only – your China Mobile Phone

reconocimiento facial

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In a statement from China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, “to strengthen the registration and management of the real names of telephone users and to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of citizens’ cyberspace.”

Minapim by Hernan Valenzuela: The news reaches 850 million mobile internet users, seeks to prevent fraud on networks, and guides telecommunications networks, to perform the registration and real name of users as well as their facial recognition.

The institution advises telephone companies beginning December 1 2019, to implement large-scale technical measures using artificial intelligence, including control of calling card resale.

Current users must also register within the new standard. Whether for telephone use or internet line shopping. In the case of false information, the contracts will be canceled. When the line transferred, it also applies the new standard.facial recognition

Facial recognition in exchange for Internet access makes it easy to track what the costumer post on social media and the sites he can go.

For Chinese, facial recognition is not a new topic; the practice is already widely used in public or private places. People who have facial surgery will have to face serious problems, cases like this already present, creating a travel disorder on boarding, hotels or work itself. However, the inconvenience does not stop here, after the difficulties traveling; the online shopping system of food or products does not recognize the buyer! It is a lot of a headache.

The idea of ​​reducing fraud is important, but it will certainly give way to other types of controls. The face recognition, is the door for all controls.

Source: MIIT – China 

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